
Ip Inclusive

IP Inclusive - Senior Leaders' Pledge

One of Swindell & Pearson’s directors, Martin Terry, has signed up as a founding signatory...

One of Swindell & Pearson’s directors, Martin Terry, has signed up as a founding signatory to IP Inclusive’s "Senior Leaders' Pledge". This is an initiative to - Read more
Chiara F 7 9U5I1Oe80 Unsplash

Double Patenting at the EPO

The Enlarged Board of Appeal has decided that double patenting is not allowed, and as such...

The Enlarged Board of Appeal has decided that double patenting is not allowed, and as such a European patent application can be refused if it claims the same su - Read more
Wesley Tingey 9Z9Fxr 7Z K Unsplash

The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court: Good things may finally be coming to those who have waited

Deadlock in the introduction of the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court appears to be ...

Deadlock in the introduction of the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court appears to be shifting. - Read more
Sergey Mind S8Gh7Is9Ulo Unsplash

European Patent Office - Annual Review 2020

In a year of significant changes, the European Patent Office has published the Annual Revi...

In a year of significant changes, the European Patent Office has published the Annual Review of its performance. The review has seven separate sections covering - Read more
Glen Carrie Azyqgr35Vh0 Unsplash

Oral proceedings at the EPO to be held by Zoom

The global pandemic has led to widespread use of video conferencing, including at the EPO....

The global pandemic has led to widespread use of video conferencing, including at the EPO. With effect from 1 October 2021, oral proceedings before the receivin - Read more
Visuals Sw Bs0Ovgv0 Unsplash

Oral proceedings by video conference at the EPO

The global pandemic has led to widespread use of video conferencing, including at the EPO....

The global pandemic has led to widespread use of video conferencing, including at the EPO. The EPO has recently announced that oral proceedings before the oppo - Read more
Ivan Aleksic 318Xriwywoq Unsplash

2021 Guidelines for Examination at the European Patent Office

The Guidelines for Examination at the European Patent Office (EPO) has been updated to be ...

The Guidelines for Examination at the European Patent Office (EPO) has been updated to be gender neutral, and to reflect recent changes in law and practice. - Read more
Joshua Delica Zwi5M Sa77I Unsplash

Changes to patent term extensions and patent term adjustments in South Korea

South Korea has changed the eligibility requirements for patent term extensions (PTEs) and...

South Korea has changed the eligibility requirements for patent term extensions (PTEs) and the regulations for patent term adjustments (PTAs). - Read more
Mika Baumeister Wpnoqo2Plfa Unsplash

Re-registered International Designs can now be searched on the UK Register

On 1 January 2021, the UK automatically created ‘re-registered’ designs cloned from EU-des...

On 1 January 2021, the UK automatically created ‘re-registered’ designs cloned from EU-designating designs, to ensure intellectual property rights were not lost - Read more
Wesley Tingey 9Z9Fxr 7Z K Unsplash Resized

The Unitary Patent and UPC: Two steps forward and one step back

Despite years of discussion, the implementation of the Unitary Patent and UPC remains stal...

Despite years of discussion, the implementation of the Unitary Patent and UPC remains stalled. - Read more
Thisisengineering Raeng F4Puucc3M0G Unsplash

Simulations are patentable inventions

The highest court at the European Patent Office decides that simulations are patentable, j...

The highest court at the European Patent Office decides that simulations are patentable, just like any other computer-implemented invention. - Read more
Zq Lee Dcyl0Iocy0A Unsplash

Update concerning GCC patent applications

The Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office (GCCPO) has stopped accepting new patent applic...

The Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office (GCCPO) has stopped accepting new patent applications, but will continue its operations for pending and granted cases - Read more

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